Case Study

Transforming Lead Conversion Process for Top China Auto OEM

The case involved developing smart dealer call center, allowing one-click call with AI enabled functions, real-time customer auto-tagging, smart sales/product knowledge recommendation

The Challenge

For the client, there was a huge  gap between the leads conversion process and the capabilities of dealer consultants, which needed AI tools to empower and fill the gap. Below mentioned are the major concerns that were identified.

  • 40% attrition rate lead to huge capability gap among agents and dealers
  • Complex customer invitation process with >30% junior call center workers
  • 70% leads from online channels, but no tool for transparent call management
  • High workload for repeated manual data input for DMS and dealer CRM
  • Huge gap in leads conversion across dealers and agents

The Approach

BCG helped find an end-to-end customized solution, with Smart DCC (Smart/ Intelligent Dealer Call Center) allowing the following function matrix

  • One click web call embedded with OEM cloud-based DMS
  • Virtual mobile phone number to increase customers’ pickup ratio
  • AI-empowered real time information push on invitation guidance and knowledge recommendation
  • Multi-dimensional BI dashboard for OEM/dealer management layer in quality control based on tele sales service

The Impact

Huge improvement on lead conversion rate and enhanced process management capabilities on both OEM and dealer side

  • 21%-35% improvement in lead conversion rate for frequently used dealers with Smart DCC
  • Process management capabilities based on BI tool enablement for both OEM and dealers

Looking Into the Future

BCG supported with rolling out 300 stores and Smart DCC became one of the most popular sales product for auto OEM in China and across the globe.

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